Objectives and functions


  • Advance the art and science of veterinary medicine and animal husbandry
  • Protect the rights and privileges of its’ members
  • Promote higher educational and ethical standard within the veterinary medical profession
  • Promote the health and welfare of the livestock farmers and livestock industry of Nepal; protect and improve the health of all animals
  • Protect the public health against diseases transmissible from animals to human beings
  • Educate the public concerning animal health, production and their relationship to human health and environment
  • Partnership with all organizations, agencies and persons whose objectives are consistent with those of the Nepal Veterinary Association


  1. LEADESHIP AND GOVERNANCE : Discussion on veterinary related issues with technical committee and other stakeholders to identify and anticipate the needs for veterinarians  and partnership with farmers and related stakeholders.
  2. ADVISORY ROLE TO THE NEPAL GOVERNMENT : Advisory services on animal and animal related issues to the govt. of Nepal and Nepal Veterinary Council.
  3. TECHNICAL SERVICES : Technical services to the DLSO, NARC and other related institutions on their requests.
  4. PUBLIC RELATION : Public relation with livestock farmers, cooperatives, vet owners and other people and society in regards to livestock production, public health, friendly environment and animal welfare.
  5. ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES : National conferences,Technical chapter presentation
  6. TECHNICAL PROGRAM : Continuous education program, Scientific talk program
  7. PUBLICATIONS : Journal, Proceedings, Vet Newsletter, Chaumasik, Souvenir, Directory, Brochure
  8. INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES : Member of:  World Veterinary Association, Federation of Asian Veterinary Association and Common Wealth Veterinary Association
  9. MEMBER SERVICES: Academic meetings, Lectures, talk programs and seminars are held for government and private veterinarians. Information about veterinary related issues such as vacancy, events, conferences, research and recent development in veterinary science, changes of laws and regulations regarding veterinarians is provided through NVA journal, letters and e-mails.Continuing education system for veterinarians.